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Singapore To Issue Writ Of Election, General Elections on July 10th

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Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has announced a National Address just 20 minutes before speaking at 4pm through Facebook.

Singapore joins South Korea & Taiwan to hold elections during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PM Lee’s Speech in English

My fellow Singaporeans

Good afternoon

Earlier today, I saw President Halimah Yacob, to advise her to dissolve Parliament and issue the Writ of Election.

Let me explain why I have decided to call the general election now.

We are approaching the end of the five-year term of this Government. Under the Constitution, elections must be held at the latest by April 2021. That is less than a year away.

We have been fully occupied with the COVID-19 outbreak since the beginning of the year. The pandemic set upon the world suddenly. It quickly grew into a global crisis, spreading across many countries.

Around the world, nearly half a million people have died, and countless more have seen their lives disrupted.

Singapore detected our first cases in January.

At first, most were imported. But soon we observed a growing number of local cases, with no links to infected visitors.

In March the numbers grew, especially later when COVID-19 started spreading among migrant workers in dormitories.

We responded decisively.

We imposed a circuit breaker for two months.

We made strenuous efforts to care for our migrant workers.

In the migrant worker dormitories, we are making steady progress though it will take a few more months to resolve the problem.

At the same time, new community cases have come down sharply.

Most importantly, we have kept the number of fatalities low. Right now, we only have one patient in the ICU.

Still, the virus has taken a heavy toll on livelihoods. Around the world, the lockdowns and public health measures have caused a deep economic crisis.

In Singapore, we have mitigated this with massive fiscal action.

We passed four Budgets, injecting almost S$100 billion.

We are drawing from our reserves to support workers, businesses and households.

These decisive emergency actions have kept retrenchments and company closures low.

They have helped Singaporeans take care of their families and see through the immediate crisis

After great effort, we are now in a stable position.

We are cautiously resuming social activities, and progressively reviving our economy provided we all continue to take the precautions seriously.

But we should be under no illusions that we have defeated COVID-19.

This is just the end of the beginning phase.

A long struggle lies ahead.

COVID-19 will be with us for at least a year and most probably longer, until a vaccine is developed and becomes available.

It is a very difficult and tricky disease to deal with.

So we have to continue keeping a close watch on the situation.

Many other countries have successfully brought their cases down, only to experience fresh outbreaks after opening up again.

For example, in South Korea (from nightspots in Seoul), China (from a market in Beijing), Germany (in an abattoir), the US (in the southern Sun Belt states) e. Therefore, we must be psychologically prepared for more ups and downs in this fight.

Economically, we must brace ourselves for a very tough period ahead.

Singapore has not yet felt the full economic fallout from COVID-19, but it is coming.

Despite all the measures we have taken, there will be more business closures, and more retrenchments in the coming months.

Unemployment will go up.

But we are determined to save as many jobs as we can, and create new jobs too.

And we will do our utmost to help businesses and industries survive and restructure themselves.

That is how we can keep our capabilities and livelihoods intact through the storm, and pick up again when the sun shines once more.

COVID-19, the economy and jobs are domestic concerns, but we also face external uncertainties.

Major regional and global developments can affect us.

US-China tensions over many issues, now including Hong Kong.

The US presidential elections in November.

Border clashes between China and India.

Political developments nearer home in Southeast Asia.

We do not know what surprises may be in store for us within the next year.

But as dangers materialise, we must navigate safely through them and protect Singapore’s security and national interests.

This will require diplomatic skills and a deft touch.

To overcome these challenges, we must stand completely united as one people.

Singaporeans and the Government must work closely together, with full trust and confidence in each other.

The Government must be able to respond promptly and decisively to the COVID-19 outbreak and the economic situation, and to external developments.

We need a capable Government, with the strong backing of the people, to do all that needs to be done on your behalf, and see us through the tumultuous times.

An election now – when things are relatively stable – will clear the decks, and give the new Government a fresh five-year mandate.

It can then focus on this national agenda and the difficult decisions it will have to make and to carry.

The alternative is to wait out the COVID-19 pandemic.

But we have no assurance that the pandemic will be over before this Government’s term must end next April.

This is why I have decided to hold the General Election now.

We are still in the midst of COVID-19, so it will not be a normal election campaign.

Before deciding to proceed, I had to be certain of two things.

First, that voters can vote safely. Second, that political parties can campaign effectively.

After studying the issues, I am satisfied that both of these can be done.

On voter safety, the Elections Department will be implementing additional precautions on Polling Day.

We are setting up more polling stations than in previous elections, to reduce crowding.

There will be safe distancing measures at the polling stations.

Voters will be allocated specific time slots to vote, and seniors will be given priority to vote before others.

On effective campaigning, the Elections Department has also made arrangements and issued guidelines.

Candidates can still go house-to-house campaigning, provided they observe the safe distancing precautions.

Physical election rallies will not be possible, but we will make up with more opportunities for candidates to speak directly to voters on television, and of course online, for example via live streaming.

Singapore is not the first to hold an election during COVID-19.

Others have done so too: South Korea, Taiwan and several European countries.

With our arrangements and precautions in place, I am confident we can hold a proper and safe election.

During the election period, the Government will continue to govern.

The Cabinet remains in charge even after Parliament is dissolved.

The public service will function normally.

This is so in every General Election.

But I emphasise this now, because of the vital importance of ongoing operations against COVID-19, sustaining the economy and protecting jobs.

Therefore, over the next few weeks, you can expect the Ministerial Task Force still to lead our response to COVID-19.

On the economic front, the National Jobs Council will create jobs and training places.

Businesses, workers and families will receive help and support.

All this essential work, on your behalf, will go on throughout the election period.

This General Election will be like no other that we have experienced.

Not just because of the special arrangements to deal with COVID-19, but because of the gravity of the situation, and the issues at stake.

The government that you elect will have critical decisions to make.

These decisions will impact your lives and livelihoods, and shape Singapore for many years to come, far beyond the five-year term of the next government.

Soon, you will have the chance to decide whom to entrust with the responsibility of working with you to take our country forward.

I have every confidence that you will think carefully, and vote wisely, to secure our lives, our jobs, and our future.

Concerns about voting during COVID-19

Among the many concerns of holding General Elections during the COVID-19 include safety of the voters during the voting process, as well as the ability to conduct effective campaigning by all candidates.

PM Lee Hsien Loong is satisfied that these two factors can be met and has advised President Halimah Yacob to issue the Writ of Election.

The Prime Minister has also cited that the current COVID-19 situation in Singapore is rather stable and is a good time to hold the elections so that the government can be led with a fresh mandate to handle the upcoming challenges.

Expected Measures During Voting

The Prime Minister has shared that some of the measures during voting include assigned time slots for people to vote at the polling stations and priority for the elderly or disabled.

Nomination Process

Candidates are to submit their documents in person on Nomination Day, between 11am to 12pm at specific Nominations Centres at the constituencies they are intending to contest in.

Candidates must submit a Nomination Form and the Political Donation Certificate, which lists and declares that the funds come from permissible donors.

Additional step for Minority Candidates

Minority candidates intending to contest in a Group Representation Constituency (GRC) must obtain a certificate from either the Malay Community Committee, Indian & Other Minority Communities Committee.

Proposer, Seconder & Assenters

Each candidate will need to obtain the signatures of a proposer, seconder and at least 4 assenters. These are the people who endorse the candidate and they must reside in the constituency that the candidate is intending to contest in.

New Digital Services

Previously, candidates have to personally collect these documents & forms at the Elections Department. These forms are now available at online at the Elections Department website. Candidates will use their SingPass to log in and access the documents.

Submission Process

Nomination papers will still need to be printed and submitted to the Returning Officer at the Nomination Centre between 11am and 12pm on Nomination Day.

Objections to Nomination

Candidates can object to any nomination based on unsuitability or that nomination papers are not properly filled.

Closing of Nomination

At 12.30pm on Nomination Day, nomination closes and if no objections are raised, walkovers or constituencies which are not contested will be announced.

No Physical Rallies

During this 15th General Elections of Singapore, there will be no physical rallies. However, there will be streaming and party broadcasts which will replace the rallies. In-person door-to-door is still allowed although safe distancing measures must be in place.

Online Campaigning

New to this General Elections is the introduction of Online Campaigning. Once nominations are closed, candidates may begin campaigning. The candidate may live stream or use videos to campaign, as well as door-to-door campaigning while observing safe distancing measures.

93 seats are up for contest in 31 wards in this General Elections. NCMPs will also obtain equal voting rights for the first time in the next parliament.

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